Source code for particlepy.particle

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from typing import Tuple, List
import copy
import contextlib

with contextlib.redirect_stdout(None):
    import pygame

import particlepy.shape

[docs]class Particle(object): """This is the particle class. It simulates the physics of a particle and can be used in a particle system (:class:`ParticleSystem`) Args: shape (:class:`particlepy.shape.Shape`): Visual particle shape position (Tuple[float, float]): Center position velocity (Tuple[float, float]): Velocity delta_radius (float): Radius decrease value data (dict, optional): A dictionary for extra data, defaults to `None` alive (bool, optional): `True` if particle should be alive, and `False` if otherwise, defaults to `True` Attributes: shape (:class:`particlepy.shape.Shape`): Visual particle shape position (List[float, float]): Center position velocity (List[float, float]): Velocity (can be modified with gravity) delta_radius (float): Radius decrease value progress (float): A variable ranging from 0 to 1 to represent the lifespan inverted_progress (float): A variable ranging from 1 to 0 to represent the lifespan time (float): A simple timer data (dict): A dictionary for extra data alive (bool): `True` if particle is alive, and `False` if otherwise """ def __init__(self, shape: particlepy.shape.Shape, position: Tuple[float, float], velocity: Tuple[float, float], delta_radius: float, data: dict = None, alive: bool = True): """Constructor method """ self.shape = copy.copy(shape) self.position = list(position) self.velocity = list(velocity) self.delta_radius = delta_radius self.progress, self.inverted_progress = self.shape.get_progress() if data: = data else: = {} self.time = 0 self.alive = alive
[docs] def kill(self): """Sets attribute :attr:`alive` `False` """ self.alive = False
[docs] def revive(self): """Sets attribute :attr:`alive` `True` """ self.alive = True
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float, gravity: Tuple[float, float] = None): """Updates position, velocity, progress, etc. of particle and kills it, if :code:`radius <= 0` Args: delta_time (float): A value to let the particle move according to frame time gravity (Tuple[float, float], optional): Affects the velocity and 'pulls' it in a direction, defaults to None """ self.shape.decrease(self.delta_radius) if self.shape.check_size_above_zero(): if self.alive: self.position[0] += self.velocity[0] * delta_time self.position[1] += self.velocity[1] * delta_time if gravity: self.velocity[0] += gravity[0] self.velocity[1] += gravity[1] self.progress, self.inverted_progress = self.shape.get_progress() self.time += delta_time else: self.kill()
[docs] def render(self, surface: pygame.Surface): """Renders the particle on given surface Args: surface (:class:`pygame.Surface`): The surface on which the particle is being rendered on """ if self.alive: surface.blit(self.shape.surface, (self.position[0] - self.shape.surface.get_width() / 2, self.position[1] - self.shape.surface.get_height() / 2))
[docs]class ParticleSystem(object): """The particle system class. It is used to manage particles in a group Args: data (dict, optional): A dictionary for extra data, defaults to None alive (bool, optional): `True` if particle system should be alive, and `False` if otherwise, defaults to `True` Attributes: particles (List[:class:`Particle`]) data (dict): A dictionary for extra data alive (bool): `True` if particle system is alive, and `False` if otherwise """ def __init__(self, data: dict = None, alive: bool = True): """Constructor method """ self.particles: List[particlepy.particle.Particle] = [] if data: = data else: = {} self.alive = alive
[docs] def emit(self, particle: Particle): """Creates a new particle Args: particle (:class:`Particle`): Particle which is being created Raises: Exception: Particle system is not alive, not able to add particles """ if self.alive: self.particles.append(copy.copy(particle)) else: raise Exception("Particle system is not alive, not able to add particles")
[docs] def clear(self): """Clears the particle list """ self.particles.clear()
[docs] def kill(self): """Sets :attr:`alive` `False` """ self.alive = False
[docs] def revive(self): """Sets :attr:`alive` `True` """ self.alive = True
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float, gravity: Tuple[float, float] = None): """Calls :func:`Particle.update()` for every particle in system Args: delta_time (float): A value to let the particles move according to frame time gravity (Tuple[float, float], optional): Affects the velocity and 'pulls' particles in a direction, defaults to None """ if self.alive: for particle in self.particles: particle.update(gravity=gravity, delta_time=delta_time) if not particle.alive: self.particles.remove(particle)
[docs] def make_shape(self): """Makes the surface of all particles in system """ if self.alive: for particle in self.particles: particle.shape.make_surface()
[docs] def render(self, surface: pygame.Surface): """Renders surface of all particles on given surface Args: surface (:class:`pygame.Surface`): Surface on which the particles are being rendered """ if self.alive: for particle in self.particles: particle.render(surface=surface)